Package: src/packages/cparse.fdoc

C Parsing Utils

key file
ctok.flx share/lib/std/c/ctok.flx

C Tokeniser

This is a crude C tokeniser that is intended for parsing header files only, i.e. interfaces.


// TODO: strings, chars
// NOTE: preprocesor directives start with # and end with newline
// NOTE: trailing slosh is elided, but also ends a token, not really correct

class Ctok

fun c_tok(x:string): list[string] =
  var result = Empty[string];
  var token = "";
  var n =;
  var inmacro = false;
  var i = 0;
  while i < n do
    // 3 char tokens
    if x.[i.+3] in ("<<=", ">>=","...")  do
     result -= x.[i.+3];
     i += 3;

    elif x.[i.+2] == "\\\n" do
     i += 2;

    // C++ comment
    elif x.[i.+2] == "//" do
      i += 2;
      while i <= n and x.[i] != "\n" do
      if inmacro do
        result -= "\\n";
        inmacro = false;

    // C comment
    elif x.[i.+2] == "/*" do
      i += 2;
      while i <= n and x.[i.+2] != "*/" do
      i += 2;

    elif x.[i] == "\n" do
      if inmacro do
        result -= "\n";
        inmacro = false;

    // whitespace
    elif ord x.[i]  <= 32 do

    // 2 char tokens
    elif x.[i.+2] in ("::",
       "<<", ">>", "<=", ">=", "==","!=". "&&","||",
      "++","--", "+=","==","!=","&=","^=","|=")
      result -= x.[i.+2];;
      i += 2;

    elif x.[i] == "#" do
      inmacro = true;
      result -= "#";

    // 1 char tokens
    elif x.[i] in "<>^!+-*/%(){}[],:;&|?=" do
      result -= x.[i].string;

    // char
    elif x.[i] == "'" do
      token = x.[i].string;
      while i < n and x.[i] != "'" do
        if x.[i] == "\\" do
          token += "\\";
        token += x.[i];
      result -= token + "'";

    // string
    elif x.[i] == '"' do
      token = x.[i].string;
      while i < n and x.[i] != '"' do
        if x.[i] == "\\" do
          token += "\\";
        token += x.[i];
      result -= token + '"';

    // identifier
    elif iscidstart x.[i] do
      token = x.[i].string;
      while i <= n and iscidcont x.[i] do
        token += string x.[i];
      result -= token;

    // number
    elif x.[i] in "0123456789" do
     token = x.[i].string;
     while x.[i] in "0123456789xabcdefXABCDEF.pP+-uUlL" do
       token += x.[i].string;
     result -= token;

    // other
     result -= x.[i].string;
    done // conditional
  done //loop
  return rev result;
proc dump_tokens_formatted (x:list[string]) {
  var nest = 0;
  proc newline() { println$ ""; print$ " " * ( 2 * nest); }
  println$ "Tokens = ";
  for token in tokens do
    if token == ";" do
      print$ ";"; newline;

    elif token == "{" do
      print$ "{";

    elif token == "}" do
      print$ "}";
    elif token == "#" do
      print$ "#";
    elif token == "\n" do
      print "#endmacro";
      print$ token.str+  " ";
} // dump

fun iscident(x:string) : bool = {
  var result = iscidstart x.[0];
  for ch in x.[1..] perform
    result &= iscidcont ch;
  return result;
typedef parameter_t = ctyp_t * string;

typedef field_t = ctyp_t * string;

// either or both the tag string is present of the field list is present
typedef struct_t = string * opt[list[field_t]];

typedef enumconst_t = string * int;
typedef enum_t = string * list[enumconst_t];

variant ctyp_t =
| Base of string
| Ptr of ctyp_t
| ConstPtr of ctyp_t
| Array of ctyp_t * int
| Bitfield of string * int
| Function of ctyp_t * list[parameter_t]
| Struct of struct_t
| Union of struct_t
| Enum of enum_t
instance Eq[ctyp_t] {
  fun == (a:ctyp_t, b:ctyp_t) =>
    match a,b with
    | Base x, Base y => x == y
    | Ptr x, Ptr y => x == y
    | ConstPtr x, ConstPtr y => x == y
    | Array (x,l1), Array (y,l2) => x == y and l1 == l2
    | Bitfield (x,l1), Bitfield (y,l2) => x == y and l1 == l2
    | Struct x, Struct y => x == y
    | Union x, Union y => x == y
    | Enum x, Enum y => x == y
    | _ => false
inherit Eq[ctyp_t];

fun strbody (tag:string, fields:opt[list[field_t]]) : string =>
  if tag != "" then tag + " " else "" endif +
  match fields with
  | Some flds =>
    "{ " + fold_left (fun (acc:string) (fld:field_t) => acc + " " +  fld.str + ";") "" flds + " }"
  | None => ""

instance Str[ctyp_t] {
  fun str : ctyp_t -> string =
    | Base b => b
    | Ptr x => x.str + "*"
    | ConstPtr x => x.str + " const*"
    | Array (x,l) => "array(" + x.str + "," + l.str + ")"
    | Bitfield (b,l) => b + ":" + l.str
    | Function (r,ps) =>
      r.str + "(" + catmap "," str of parameter_t ps + ")"
    | Struct s => "struct " + strbody s
    | Union s => "union " + strbody s
    | Enum b => "enum " + b.str

instance Str[parameter_t] {
  fun str (t:ctyp_t,n:string) => t.str + if n!="" then " " else "" endif + n;

fun discard_to_rbrace (level:int) (tokens: list[string]) =>
  match tokens with
  | "{" ! tokens => discard_to_rbrace (level + 1) tokens
  | "}" ! tokens => if level > 1 then discard_to_rbrace (level - 1) tokens else tokens
  | _ ! tokens  => discard_to_rbrace level tokens
  | Empty => tokens

// discard everything up to the next top level }
fun discard_to_rbrace (tokens: list[string]) =>
  discard_to_rbrace 0 tokens

// discard everything up to the next top level ;
// won't work for nested code because of ; in for statements
fun discard_to_semi (tokens: list[string]) =>
  match tokens with
  | "{" ! tokens => discard_to_semi (discard_to_rbrace 1 tokens)
  | ";" ! tokens => tokens
  | _ ! tokens => discard_to_semi tokens
  | Empty => tokens

fun rev_grab_to_rbrace (out:list[string]) (level:int) (tokens: list[string]) =>
  match tokens with
  | "{" ! tokens => rev_grab_to_rbrace ("{" ! out) (level + 1) tokens
  | "}" ! tokens => if level > 1 then rev_grab_to_rbrace ("}" ! out) (level - 1) tokens else out, tokens
  | token  ! tokens  => rev_grab_to_rbrace (token ! out) level tokens
  | Empty => out, tokens

// grab everything up to the next top level }
fun grab_to_rbrace (tokens: list[string]) =>
  rev (rev_grab_to_rbrace Empty[string] 0 tokens)

// grab everything up to the next top level ;
// won't work for nested code because of ; in for statements
fun rev_grab_to_semi (out:list[string]) (tokens: list[string]) =>
  match tokens with
  | "{" ! tokens =>
    let grabbed, trailing = (rev_grab_to_rbrace out 1 tokens) in
    rev_grab_to_semi grabbed trailing

  | ";" ! tokens => out,tokens
  | _ ! tokens => rev_grab_to_semi out tokens
  | Empty => out,tokens

fun grab_to_semi (tokens: list[string]) =>
  rev (rev_grab_to_semi Empty[string] tokens)

// ***********************************************
// input a token list
// parse the LHS of a C type, the base type, eg int
// return that and the rest of the tokens
// ***********************************************

fun parse_type_base (tokens:list[string]) : opt[ctyp_t * bool] * list[string] =
  var isconst = false;
  if is_empty tokens return None[ctyp_t * bool], tokens;
  var token = head tokens;
  tokens = tail tokens;
  if token == "const" do
    isconst = true;
    goto next;
  elif token == "struct" do
    // set tag if present
    var tag = "";
    if tokens.head.iscident do
      tag = head tokens;
      tokens = tail tokens;
    // set field list if present
    var fields, toks = parse_struct_body tokens;
    var ctyp = Struct (tag, fields);
    tokens = toks;
  elif token == "union" do
    tag = "";
    if tokens.head.iscident do
      tag = head tokens;
      tokens = tail tokens;
    fields, toks = parse_struct_body tokens;
    ctyp = Union (tag, fields);
    tokens = toks;
  elif token == "enum" do
    token = head tokens;
    tokens = tail tokens;
    ctyp = Enum (token, Empty[enumconst_t]);
    ctyp = Base token; // base type
  return Some (ctyp, isconst), tokens;
// ***********************************************
// input a token list and a base type and const flag
// parse the RHS of a C type, combine with base type
// return that and the rest of the tokens
// ***********************************************

fun parse_tail_type
  var ctyp:ctyp_t,
  var tokens:list[string]
: ctyp_t * list[string] =
  if is_empty tokens return ctyp, tokens;
  var token = head tokens;
  if token == "*" do
    if isconst do
      ctyp = ConstPtr (ctyp);
      isconst = false;
      ctyp = Ptr ctyp;
  elif token == "long" and  ctyp == Base "long" do
    ctyp = Base "long long";
    return ctyp, tokens;
  tokens = tail tokens;
  goto next;

// ***********************************************
// input a token list
// parse a C type
// return type and trailing tokens
// ***********************************************

fun parse_ctype (var tokens:list[string]) : opt[ctyp_t] * list[string] = {
  match parse_type_base tokens with
  | Some (cty, isconst),toks =>
    var ctyp, trailing = parse_tail_type (cty, isconst, toks);
    return Some ctyp, trailing;

  | None,toks => return None[ctyp_t],toks;

// ***********************************************
// parse array suffix if present
// recursive, assumes length is a single token or missing
// ***********************************************

fun parse_array (ctyp:ctyp_t, tokens: list[string]) : ctyp_t * list[string] = {
   match tokens with
   | "[" ! v ! "]" ! rest => return Array (ctyp,, rest;
   | "[" ! "]" ! rest => return Array (ctyp, 0), rest;
   | _ => println$ "Failed array"; return ctyp, tokens;

// ***********************************************
// Input a token list
// Parse a function parameter
// retun C type and parameter name (could be empty string)
// bugs out if trailing more than one token
// ***********************************************

fun parse_parameter(var tokens: list[string]) : opt[ctyp_t * string] * list[string] =
  match parse_ctype tokens with
  | None,toks =>
    return None [ctyp_t * string], toks;

  | Some cty, toks =>
    var ctyp = cty;
    tokens = toks;
    return parse_field_tail (ctyp, tokens);

fun parse_field_tail (var ctyp:ctyp_t, var tokens: list[string])
: opt[ctyp_t * string] * list[string]
  match tokens with
  // no parameter name
  | Empty => return Some (ctyp,""),tokens;

  // array type, no parameter name
  | "[" ! toks =>
    tokens = "" ! tokens;
    goto again; // push dummy name onto input

  // array type, parameter name
  | param ! "[" ! toks when iscident param =>
    var l1 = tokens.len;
    ctyp, tokens= parse_array (ctyp, tail tokens);
    var l2 = tokens.len;
    if l2 < l1 do  // stop infinite loop
      tokens = param + tokens; // put param name back in input
      goto again;
      return Some (ctyp, param), toks;

  // function type, function name
  // named: i.e like int f(int,int)
  | param ! "(" ! toks when iscident param =>
    l1 = tokens.len;
    ctyp, tokens= parse_function_decl (ctyp, tail tokens);
    l2 = tokens.len;
    if l2 < l1 do  // stop infinite loop
      tokens = param + tokens; // put param name back in input
      goto again;
      return Some (ctyp, param), toks;

  // function pointer type, name
  // named: i.e like int (*f)(int,int)
  | "(" ! "*" ! param ! toks when iscident param =>
    l1 = tokens.len;
    ctyp, tokens= parse_function_decl (ctyp, "(" ! "*" ! toks);
    l2 = tokens.len;
    if l2 < l1 do  // stop infinite loop
      tokens = param + tokens; // put param name back in input
      goto again;
      return Some (ctyp, param), toks;

  // simple type, parameter name
  | param ! toks when iscident param =>
    return Some (ctyp,param),toks;

  // simple type, no parameter name
  | _ =>
    return Some (ctyp,""), tokens;

// comma separated list
fun parse_parameter_list(var tokens: list[string]) : list[ctyp_t * string] * list[string] =
   var parameters = Empty[ctyp_t * string];
  match parse_parameter tokens with
  | None,toks =>
    return rev parameters, toks;
  | Some (ctyp,name), toks =>
    tokens = toks;
    parameters -= (ctyp,name);
    if is_empty tokens return rev parameters,tokens;
    match tokens with
    | ","! rest =>
      tokens = rest;
      goto again;
    | _ =>
      return rev parameters, tokens;

// excludes trailing ; cause it isn't a ; in a typedef!
fun parse_field_list (var tokens: list[string]) : list[ctyp_t * string] * list[string] =
  var fields = Empty[ctyp_t * string];
  match parse_type_base tokens with
  | None, toks => return fields, tokens; // no fields
  | Some (base_ctyp,isconst), toks =>
    var ctyp,toks2 = parse_tail_type (base_ctyp,isconst,toks);
    match parse_field_tail (ctyp, toks2) with
    | None, toks => return fields, toks;
    | Some fld, toks =>
      fields -=  fld;
      if head toks == "," do
        ctyp,toks2 = parse_tail_type (base_ctyp,isconst,tail toks);
        goto again;
        return rev fields, toks;

// includes { and }
// returns None if no { present
fun parse_struct_body (var tokens: list[string]) : opt[list[field_t]] * list[string] =
   var fields = Empty[field_t];
   if head tokens != "{" return None[list[field_t]], tokens;
   tokens = tail tokens;
   if head tokens == "}" return Some fields, tail tokens;
   var flds, toks = parse_field_list tokens;
   fields += flds;
   if head toks != ";" return Some fields,toks;
   tokens = tail toks;
   goto again;

// called by parse_function_decl only
private fun parse_function_ptr_decl (ret:ctyp_t, var tokens:list[string]) : ctyp_t * list[string] = {
  match tokens with
  | "*" ! ")" ! "(" ! trailing =>
    def var params, tokens = parse_parameter_list trailing;
    assert head tokens== ")";
    return Ptr (Function (ret, params)), tail tokens;
  | _ =>
    println$ "Error, parse_function_ptr_decl, tokens=" + tokens.str;
    assert false;

fun parse_function_decl (ret:ctyp_t, var tokens:list[string]) : ctyp_t * list[string] = {
  assert head tokens == "(";
  tokens = tail tokens; // head must be "(" to get here
  if head tokens == "*" return parse_function_ptr_decl (ret, tokens);
  var params, trailing= parse_parameter_list tokens;
  assert head trailing== ")";
  return Function (ret,params), tail trailing;
