Package: src/packages/reals.fdoc

Approximate Reals

key file
real.flx share/lib/std/scalar/real.flx
float_format.flx share/lib/std/scalar/float_format.flx
instance[t in numbers] FloatAddgrp[t] {
  fun zero: unit -> t = "(?1)0" ;
  fun + : t * t -> t = "$1+$2" ;
  fun neg : t -> t = "-$1" ;
  fun - : t * t -> t = "$1-$2" ;
  proc += : &t * t = "*$1+=$2;";
  proc -= : &t * t = "*$1-=$2;";

instance[t in numbers] FloatMultSemi1[t] {
  fun one: unit -> t = "(?1)1";
  fun * : t * t -> t = "$1*$2";
  proc *= : &t * t = "*$1*=$2;";

instance[t in numbers] FloatRing[t] {}
instance[t in ints \cup complexes] FloatDring[t] {
  fun / : t * t -> t = "$1/$2";
  fun % : t * t -> t = "$1%$2";
  proc /= : &t * t = "*$1/=$2;";
  proc %= : &t * t = "*$1%=$2;";
instance[t in floats] FloatDring[t] {
  fun / : t * t -> t = "$1/$2";
  fun % : t * t -> t = "fmod($1,$2)";
  proc /= : &t * t = "*$1/=$2;";
  proc %= : &t * t = "*$1=fmod($1,$2);";
instance[t in floats] Real[t] {
  requires Cxx_headers::cmath;
  fun abs: t -> t = "::std::abs($1)";
  fun log10: t -> t = "::std::log10($1)";
  fun sqrt: t -> t = "::std::sqrt($1)";
  fun ceil: t -> t = "::std::ceil($1)";
  fun floor: t -> t = "::std::floor($1)";
  fun trunc: t -> t = "::std::trunc($1)";
  fun embed: int -> t = "(?1)($1)";
  fun atan2: t * t -> t = "::std::atan2($1,$2)";

Floating Numbers.

Operations on Real and Complex numbers.


// note: has to be called Fcomplex to avoid clash with class Complex

// Note: ideally we'd use constrained polymorphism for the instances..
// saves typing it all out so many times
open class Floatinf
   const FINFINITY : float = "INFINITY" requires C99_headers::math_h;

open class Doubleinf
   const DINFINITY : double = "(double)INFINITY" requires C99_headers::math_h;

open class Ldoubleinf
   const LINFINITY : ldouble = "(long double)INFINITY" requires C99_headers::math_h;

fun isinf[T in reals] : T -> bool = "::std::isinf($1)" requires Cxx_headers::cmath;
fun isfinite[T in reals] : T -> bool = "::std::isfinite($1)" requires Cxx_headers::cmath;
fun isnan[T in reals] : T -> bool = "::std::isnan($1)" requires Cxx_headers::cmath;

ctor[T in ints] float : T = "(float)($1)";
ctor[T in ints] double  : T = "(double)($1)";
ctor[T in ints] ldouble : T = "(long double)($1)";

ctor float : string = "::std::stof($1)";
ctor double  : string = "::std::stod($1)";
ctor ldouble : string = "::std::stold($1)";

open Real[float];
open Real[double];
open Real[ldouble];

Real numbers

instance[t in reals] Tord[t] {
  fun < : t * t -> bool = "$1<$2";

Floating Formats

//[float_format.flx ]
//$ Functions to format floating point numbers.
open class float_format
  //$ Style of formatting.
  //$ default (w,d)    : like C "w.dG" format
  //$ fixed (w,d)      : like C "w.dF" format
  //$ scientific (w,d) : like C "w.dE" format
  variant mode =
    | default of int * int
    | fixed of int * int
    | scientific of int * int

  //$ Format a real number v with format m.
  fun fmt[t in reals] (v:t, m: mode) =>
    match m with
    | default (w,p) => fmt_default(v,w,p)
    | fixed (w,p) => fmt_fixed(v,w,p)
    | scientific(w,p) => fmt_scientific(v,w,p)

  //$ Format a complex number v in x + iy form,
  //$ with format m for x and y.
  fun fmt[t,r with Complex[t,r]] (v:t, m: mode) =>
    match m with
    | default (w,p) => fmt_default(real v,w,p) +"+"+fmt_default(imag v,w,p)+"i"
    | fixed (w,p) => fmt_fixed(real v,w,p)+"+"+fmt_fixed(imag v,w,p)+"i"
    | scientific(w,p) => fmt_scientific(real v,w,p)+"+"+fmt_scientific(imag v,w,p)+"i"

  //$ Format default.
  fun fmt_default[t] : t * int * int -> string="::flx::rtl::strutil::fmt_default($a)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Format fixed.
  fun fmt_fixed[t] : t * int * int -> string="::flx::rtl::strutil::fmt_fixed($a)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Format scientfic.
  fun fmt_scientific[t] : t * int * int -> string="::flx::rtl::strutil::fmt_scientific($a)" requires package "flx_strutil";

instance Str[float] {
  fun xstr: float -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<#1>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Default format float, also supports nan, +inf, -inf.
  noinline fun str(x:float):string =>
    if isnan x then "nan"
    elif isinf x then
      if x > 0.0f then "+inf" else "-inf" endif
    else xstr x

instance Str[double] {
  fun xstr: double -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<#1>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Default format double, also supports nan, +inf, -inf.
  noinline fun str(x:double):string =>
    if isnan x then "nan"
    elif isinf x then
      if x > 0.0 then "+inf" else "-inf" endif
    else xstr x

instance Str[ldouble] {
  fun xstr: ldouble -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<#1>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Default format long double, also supports nan, +inf, -inf.
  noinline fun str(x:ldouble):string =>
    if isnan x then "nan"
    elif isinf x then
      if x > 0.0l then "+inf" else "-inf" endif
    else xstr x