Package: src/packages/unique.fdoc

General Unique Facilities

key file
unique.flx share/lib/std/control/unique.flx

General Facilities

open class Unique
  // box up a value as a unique thing
  fun box[T] : T -> _uniq T = "($t)";

  // unsafely unpack the unique box
  fun unbox[T] : _uniq T -> T = "($t)";

  // kill a live unique value
  proc kill[T] : uniq T = ";";

  // functor for typing
  typedef fun uniq (T:TYPE):TYPE => _uniq T;

  // peek inside the box without changing livenes state
  fun peek[T] : &<(uniq T) -> T = "*($t)";

  // string representions
  instance[T] Repr[uniq T] {
    fun repr(var x:uniq T) => "uniq " + (C_hack::cast[T] x).str;

  instance[T] Str[uniq T] {
    fun str(var x:uniq T) => "uniq " + (C_hack::cast[T] x).str;

  instance[T with Repr[T]] Repr[&<(uniq T)] {
    fun repr(var x:&<(uniq T)) => "uniq " + x.peek.repr;

  instance[T with Str[T]] Str[&<(uniq T)] {
    fun str(var x:&<(uniq T)) => x.peek.str;