Package: src/packages/judy.fdoc

Judy Arrays

key file $PWD/buildsystem/
unix32_judy.fpc $PWD/src/config/unix32/judy.fpc
unix64_judy.fpc $PWD/src/config/unix64/judy.fpc
win64_judy.fpc $PWD/src/config/win64/judy.fpc

Judy Builder

import fbuild
import fbuild.db
from import copy, copy_regex
from fbuild.path import Path
from fbuild.record import Record

import buildsystem
from buildsystem.config import config_call

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def build_judytables(ctx, tablegen:fbuild.db.SRC, dst) -> fbuild.db.DST:

“””Create the judytable generator executable.”””

# Make sure the directory exists. dst.parent.makedirs()

# We have to run the tablegen from the working directory to get the files # generated in the right place. ctx.execute(tablegen.abspath(),, msg2=dst, cwd=dst.parent, color=’yellow’)

return dst

def prepend_macros(ctx, src, macros, dst) -> fbuild.db.DST:

“””Generate a new version of the input file which has the given macros added to the top as #define’s””” # Make sure the directory exists. dst.parent.makedirs() src = Path(src) dst = Path(dst) outfile = open(dst, ‘wb’) try:

for macro in macros:
outfile.write(bytes(‘#ifndef ‘+macro+’n’+
‘#define ‘+macro+’ 1n’+ ‘#endifn’, ‘ascii’))

outfile.write(bytes(‘#include “../JudyCommon/’’”’, ‘ascii’)) ctx.logger.check(’ * generate’, ‘%s as #define %s and #include %s’ % (dst, ‘,’.join(macros), src), color=’yellow’)

finally: outfile.close() return dst

# ——————————————————————————

def build_runtime(phase):

“”” Builds the judy runtime library, and returns the static and shared library versions. “””

path = Path(phase.ctx.buildroot/’share’/’src/judy/src’)

# Copy the header into the runtime library. buildsystem.copy_to(phase.ctx,

phase.ctx.buildroot / ‘share/lib/rtl’, [path / ‘Judy.h’])
types = config_call(‘fbuild.config.c.c99.types’,
phase.platform, phase.c.static)

#if types.voidp.size == 8: macros = [‘JU_64BIT’] print (“64 bit JUDY”)

macros.append(‘BUILD_JUDY’) #Apply this to all source files.

#macros.append(‘DEBUG’) #Apply this to all source files. # above fails with link error because the debug routines # simply don’t exist

srcs = [
path / ‘JudyCommon/JudyMalloc.c’, path / ‘JudySL/JudySL.c’, path / ‘JudyHS/JudyHS.c’] + ( path / ‘Judy1’ / ‘.c’).glob() + ( path / ‘JudyL’ / ‘.c’).glob()
includes = [path,
path / ‘JudyCommon’, path / ‘JudyL’, path / ‘Judy1’]
static = buildsystem.build_c_static_lib(phase, ‘host/lib/rtl/judy’,
srcs=srcs, macros=macros, includes=includes)
shared = buildsystem.build_c_shared_lib(phase, ‘host/lib/rtl/judy’,
srcs=srcs, macros=macros, includes=includes)

return Record(static=static, shared=shared)

Name: Judy
Description: Judy arrays
provides_dlib: -ljudy_dynamic
provides_slib: -ljudy_static
includes: '"Judy.h"'
library: judy
srcdir: src/judy/src
headers: Judy\.h
src: (JudyCommon/JudyMalloc|JudySL/.*|JudyHS/.*|Judy1/.*|JudyL/.*)\.c
build_includes: src/judy/src src/judy/src/Judy1 src/judy/src/JudyL src/judy/src/JudyHS src/judy/src/JudyCommon
Name: Judy
Description: Judy arrays
provides_dlib: -ljudy_dynamic
provides_slib: -ljudy_static
includes: '"Judy.h"'
library: judy
srcdir: src/judy/src
headers: Judy\.h
src: (JudyCommon/JudyMalloc|JudySL/.*|JudyHS/.*|Judy1/.*|JudyL/.*)\.c
build_includes: src/judy/src src/judy/src/Judy1 src/judy/src/JudyL src/judy/src/JudyHS src/judy/src/JudyCommon
Name: Judy WIN32 64 BIT
Description: Judy arrays
provides_dlib: /DEFAULTLIB:judy_dynamic
provides_slib: /DEFAULTLIB:judy_static
includes "Judy.h"
library: judy
srcdir: src\judy\src
headers: Judy\.h
src: (JudyCommon\\JudyMalloc|JudySL\\.*|JudyHS\\.*|Judy1\\.*|JudyL\\.*)\.c
build_includes: src\judy\src src\judy\src\Judy1 src\judy\src\JudyL src\judy\src\JudyHS src\judy\src\JudyCommon