Package: src/packages/rtl-monitor.fdoc


key file
pthread_monitor.hpp share/lib/rtl/pthread_monitor.hpp
pthread_monitor.cpp share/src/pthread/pthread_monitor.cpp


#include "flx_pthread_config.hpp"
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <atomic>
#include "pthread_thread_control_base.hpp"

// interface for a consumer/producer queue. threads requesting a resource
// that isn't there block until one is available. push/pop re-entrant

namespace flx { namespace pthread {

struct monitor_data_t
  void *user_data;
  ::std::atomic<bool> flag;
  monitor_data_t (void* u) : user_data(u), flag(false) {}

class PTHREAD_EXTERN monitor_t {
  ::std::atomic<monitor_data_t*> volatile data;
  thread_control_base_t *tc;
  monitor_t(thread_control_base_t *);
  void enqueue(void*);
  void* dequeue();

}} // namespace pthread, flx
#include "pthread_monitor.hpp"
#include <string.h>       // strerror
#include <assert.h>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include "pthread_thread.hpp"

using namespace std;

#define NQFENCE ::std::memory_order_seq_cst
#define DQFENCE ::std::memory_order_seq_cst

namespace flx { namespace pthread {

monitor_t::monitor_t(thread_control_base_t *tc_) : tc(tc_), data(0) {}
monitor_t::~monitor_t() { }

static void sleep(thread_control_base_t *tc, size_t ns)
//  ::std::this_thread::sleep_for(::std::chrono::milliseconds(ns));
//fprintf(stderr, "pthread_monitor: sleep: thread %p calling std::this_thread::yield()\n",::flx::pthread::mythrid());

monitor_t::enqueue(void* elt)
//fprintf(stderr, "pthread_monitor: enqueue : thread %p, this=%p \n",::flx::pthread::mythrid(),this);

  // wrap user data up with a flag so this thread
  // can wait until our user data elt is consumed
  monitor_data_t monitor_data (elt);
  monitor_data_t *p = &monitor_data;

  // swap user data into the monitor
  // note we might get back a value some other thread put there
  // in which case we keep swapping until we get a NULL
  // which means we no longer have any data to put into the monitor
  while ( (p = ::std::atomic_exchange_explicit(&data, p, NQFENCE))) sleep (tc,1);

  // wait for the *original* data to be consumed
  // note that some other thread may have swapped that data
  // into its own space and will be trying as above to swap it
  // into the monitor for a NULL.
  while (!monitor_data.flag.load()) sleep(tc,1);

//fprintf(stderr, "pthread_monitor: dequeue : thread %p , this=%p\n",::flx::pthread::mythrid(),this);
  monitor_data_t *p = 0;

  // Swap NULL into the monitor until we get a non-NULL value back.
  while ( !(p = ::std::atomic_exchange_explicit (&data, p, DQFENCE))) sleep(tc,1);

  // grab the user data
  void *elt = p->user_data;

  // signal that we have the data
  // the writer that was originally responsible for putting
  // the data we read into the monitor may now proceed
  return elt; // return data
