Package: src/packages/rtl-sysdlist.fdoc


key file
flx_sysdlist.cpp share/src/rtl/flx_sysdlist.cpp
flx_sysdlist.hpp share/lib/rtl/flx_sysdlist.hpp
sysdlist.flx share/lib/datatype/sysdlist.flx

Double linked list of pointers

Not used any more.

#ifndef __FLX_SYSDLIST_H__
#define __FLX_SYSDLIST_H__
#include "flx_rtl_config.hpp"
#include "flx_gc.hpp"

#include <list>

namespace flx { namespace rtl {

struct RTL_EXTERN sysdlist_t {
  ::std::list<void*> data;

RTL_EXTERN extern ::flx::gc::generic::scanner_t scan_sysdlist;
RTL_EXTERN extern ::flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t sysdlist_t_ptr_map;

#include "flx_sysdlist.hpp"

namespace flx { namespace rtl {
sysdlist_t::sysdlist_t () {}

void *scan_sysdlist(
  ::flx::gc::generic::collector_t *collector,
  ::flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t *shape,
  void *p,
  size_t dyncount,
  int reclimit
  auto q = reinterpret_cast<::flx::rtl::sysdlist_t*>(p);

  // calculate the absolute number of used array slots
  size_t n_used = dyncount  * shape->count;
  for (size_t j=0; j<n_used; ++j)
    for (auto elt  : q->data)
      if (collector->inrange(elt))
        collector->register_pointer (elt, reclimit -1);
  return nullptr;
// ********************************************************
// SHAPE for sysdlist_t
// ********************************************************

::flx::gc::generic::gc_shape_t sysdlist_t_ptr_map = {
  0, // no finaliser,
  0, // fcops
  0, // no offset data
  0,0, // no serialisation as yet
  0UL, 0UL


Doubly linked gc aware list of adresses.

class SysDlist {
  _gc_pointer type sysdlist[T] = "::flx::rtl::sysdlist_t*";
  ctor[T] sysdlist[T] : 1 = "new (*(ptf->gcp), ::flx::rtl::sysdlist_t_ptr_map, true) ::flx::rtl::sysdlist_t()";
  proc push_front[T] : sysdlist[T] * &T = "$1->data.push_front((void*)$2);";
  proc push_back[T]: sysdlist[T] * &T = "$1->data.push_front((void*)$2);";
  fun front[T]: sysdlist[T]  -> &T = "(?1*)$1->data.front();";
  gen pop_front[T]: sysdlist[T] -> @T = """
    ([&] ()
      if ($1->data.empty()) return (void*)nullptr;
      auto x = $1->data.front();
      return x;

  gen unsafe_pop_front[T](x:sysdlist[T]): &T => C_hack::cast[&T](pop_front x);

  fun empty[T]: sysdlist[T] -> bool = "$1->data.empty()";
  fun len[T]: sysdlist[T] -> size = "$1->data.size()";