Package: src/packages/numbers.fdoc

Operations on numbers.

key file
number.flx share/lib/std/scalar/number.flx
real.flx share/lib/std/scalar/real.flx
float_format.flx share/lib/std/scalar/float_format.flx
float_math.flx share/lib/std/scalar/float_math.flx
int.flx share/lib/std/scalar/int.flx
quaternion.flx share/lib/std/scalar/quaternion.flx
random.flx share/lib/std/random.flx

General Numeric operations.


instance[t in numbers] FloatAddgrp[t] {
  fun zero: unit -> t = "(?1)0" ;
  fun + : t * t -> t = "$1+$2" ;
  fun neg : t -> t = "-$1" ;
  fun - : t * t -> t = "$1-$2" ;
  proc += : &t * t = "*$1+=$2;";
  proc -= : &t * t = "*$1-=$2;";

instance[t in numbers] FloatMultSemi1[t] {
  fun one: unit -> t = "(?1)1";
  fun * : t * t -> t = "$1*$2";
  proc *= : &t * t = "*$1*=$2;";

instance[t in numbers] FloatRing[t] {}
instance[t in ints \cup complexes] FloatDring[t] {
  fun / : t * t -> t = "$1/$2";
  fun % : t * t -> t = "$1%$2";
  proc /= : &t * t = "*$1/=$2;";
  proc %= : &t * t = "*$1%=$2;";
instance[t in floats] FloatDring[t] {
  fun / : t * t -> t = "$1/$2";
  fun % : t * t -> t = "fmod($1,$2)";
  proc /= : &t * t = "*$1/=$2;";
  proc %= : &t * t = "*$1=fmod($1,$2);";

Floating Numbers.

Operations on Real and Complex numbers.


// note: has to be called Fcomplex to avoid clash with class Complex

// Note: ideally we'd use constrained polymorphism for the instances..
// saves typing it all out so many times
open class Floatinf
   const FINFINITY : float = "INFINITY" requires C99_headers::math_h;

open class Doubleinf
   const DINFINITY : double = "(double)INFINITY" requires C99_headers::math_h;

open class Ldoubleinf
   const LINFINITY : ldouble = "(long double)INFINITY" requires C99_headers::math_h;

fun isinf[T in reals] : T -> bool = "::std::isinf($1)" requires Cxx_headers::cmath;
fun isfinite[T in reals] : T -> bool = "::std::isfinite($1)" requires Cxx_headers::cmath;
fun isnan[T in reals] : T -> bool = "::std::isnan($1)" requires Cxx_headers::cmath;

ctor[T in ints] float : T = "(float)($1)";
ctor[T in ints] double  : T = "(double)($1)";
ctor[T in ints] ldouble : T = "(long double)($1)";

ctor float : string = "::std::stof($1)";
ctor double  : string = "::std::stod($1)";
ctor ldouble : string = "::std::stold($1)";

open class Fcomplex
  ctor[t in reals] fcomplex : t * t = "::std::complex<float>($1,$2)";
  ctor[t in reals] fcomplex : t = "::std::complex<float>($1,0)";
  instance Str[fcomplex] {
    fun str (z:fcomplex) => str(real z) + "+" + str(imag z)+"i";

open class Dcomplex
  ctor[t in reals] dcomplex : t * t = "::std::complex<double>($1,$2)";
  ctor[t in reals] dcomplex : t = "::std::complex<double>($1,0)";
  instance Str[dcomplex] {
    fun str (z:dcomplex) => str(real z) + "+" + str(imag z)+"i";

open class Lcomplex
  ctor[t in reals] lcomplex : t * t = "::std::complex<long double>($1,$2)";
  ctor[t in reals] lcomplex : t = "::std::complex<long double>($1,0)";
  instance Str[lcomplex] {
    fun str (z:lcomplex) => str(real z) + "+" + str(imag z)+"i";

instance[t in floats] Complex[complex[t],t] {
  fun real : complex[t] -> t = "real($1)";
  fun imag : complex[t] -> t = "imag($1)";
  fun abs: complex[t] -> t = "abs($1)";
  fun arg : complex[t] -> t = "arg($1)";
  fun neg : complex[t] -> complex[t] = "-$1";
  fun + : complex[t] * complex[t] -> complex[t] = "$1+$2";
  fun - : complex[t] * complex[t] -> complex[t] = "$1-$2";
  fun * : complex[t] * complex[t] -> complex[t] = "$1*$2";
  fun / : complex[t] * complex[t] -> complex[t] = "$1/$2";
  fun + : complex[t] * t -> complex[t] = "$1+$2";
  fun - : complex[t] * t -> complex[t] = "$1-$2";
  fun * : complex[t] * t -> complex[t] = "$1*$2";
  fun / : complex[t] * t -> complex[t] = "$1/$2";
  fun + : t * complex[t] -> complex[t] = "$1+$2";
  fun - : t * complex[t] -> complex[t] = "$1-$2";
  fun * : t * complex[t] -> complex[t] = "$1*$2";
  fun / : t * complex[t] -> complex[t] = "$1/$2";
  fun zero: 1 -> complex[t] = "::std::complex<?1>(0.0)";
  fun one: 1 -> complex[t] = "::std::complex<?1>(1.0)";

instance[t in (floats  \cup  complexes)] Trig[t] {
  requires Cxx_headers::cmath;
  fun sin: t -> t = "::std::sin($1)";
  fun cos: t -> t = "::std::cos($1)";
  fun tan: t -> t = "::std::tan($1)";
  fun asin: t -> t = "::std::asin($1)";
  fun acos: t -> t = "::std::acos($1)";
  fun atan: t -> t = "::std::atan($1)";
  fun sinh: t -> t = "::std::sinh($1)";
  fun cosh: t -> t = "::std::cosh($1)";
  fun tanh: t -> t = "::std::tanh($1)";
  fun asinh: t -> t = "::std::asinh($1)";
  fun acosh: t -> t = "::std::acosh($1)";
  fun atanh: t -> t = "::std::atanh($1)";
  fun exp: t -> t = "::std::exp($1)";
  fun log: t -> t = "::std::log($1)";
  fun pow: t * t -> t = "::std::pow($1,$2)";

instance[t in floats] Real[t] {
  requires Cxx_headers::cmath;
  fun abs: t -> t = "::std::abs($1)";
  fun log10: t -> t = "::std::log10($1)";
  fun sqrt: t -> t = "::std::sqrt($1)";
  fun ceil: t -> t = "::std::ceil($1)";
  fun floor: t -> t = "::std::floor($1)";
  fun trunc: t -> t = "::std::trunc($1)";
  fun embed: int -> t = "(?1)($1)";
  fun atan2: t * t -> t = "::std::atan2($1,$2)";

class CartComplex[r] {
  typedef t = complex[r];
  inherit Complex[t,r];

typedef complex[t in floats] = typematch t with
  | float => fcomplex
  | double => dcomplex
  | ldouble => lcomplex

Complex Constructors.


ctor complex[float] (x:float, y:float) => fcomplex(x,y);
ctor complex[double] (x:double, y:double) => dcomplex(x,y);
ctor complex[ldouble] (x:ldouble, y:ldouble) => lcomplex(x,y);

ctor complex[float] (x:float) => fcomplex(x,0.0f);
ctor complex[double] (x:double) => dcomplex(x,0.0);
ctor complex[ldouble] (x:ldouble) => lcomplex(x,0.0l);

typedef polar[t in floats] = complex[t];
ctor[t in floats] polar[t] : t * t = "::std::polar($1,$2)";

instance[r in floats] CartComplex[r] {}

open Real[float];
open Real[double];
open Real[ldouble];
open Complex[fcomplex, float];
open Complex[dcomplex, double];
open Complex[lcomplex, ldouble];
open CartComplex[float];
open CartComplex[double];
open CartComplex[ldouble];

Real numbers

instance[t in reals] Tord[t] {
  fun < : t * t -> bool = "$1<$2";

Floating Formats

//[float_format.flx ]
//$ Functions to format floating point numbers.
open class float_format
  //$ Style of formatting.
  //$ default (w,d)    : like C "w.dG" format
  //$ fixed (w,d)      : like C "w.dF" format
  //$ scientific (w,d) : like C "w.dE" format
  variant mode =
    | default of int * int
    | fixed of int * int
    | scientific of int * int

  //$ Format a real number v with format m.
  fun fmt[t in reals] (v:t, m: mode) =>
    match m with
    | default (w,p) => fmt_default(v,w,p)
    | fixed (w,p) => fmt_fixed(v,w,p)
    | scientific(w,p) => fmt_scientific(v,w,p)

  //$ Format a complex number v in x + iy form,
  //$ with format m for x and y.
  fun fmt[t,r with Complex[t,r]] (v:t, m: mode) =>
    match m with
    | default (w,p) => fmt_default(real v,w,p) +"+"+fmt_default(imag v,w,p)+"i"
    | fixed (w,p) => fmt_fixed(real v,w,p)+"+"+fmt_fixed(imag v,w,p)+"i"
    | scientific(w,p) => fmt_scientific(real v,w,p)+"+"+fmt_scientific(imag v,w,p)+"i"

  //$ Format default.
  fun fmt_default[t] : t * int * int -> string="::flx::rtl::strutil::fmt_default($a)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Format fixed.
  fun fmt_fixed[t] : t * int * int -> string="::flx::rtl::strutil::fmt_fixed($a)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Format scientfic.
  fun fmt_scientific[t] : t * int * int -> string="::flx::rtl::strutil::fmt_scientific($a)" requires package "flx_strutil";

instance Str[float] {
  fun xstr: float -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<#1>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Default format float, also supports nan, +inf, -inf.
  noinline fun str(x:float):string =>
    if isnan x then "nan"
    elif isinf x then
      if x > 0.0f then "+inf" else "-inf" endif
    else xstr x

instance Str[double] {
  fun xstr: double -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<#1>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Default format double, also supports nan, +inf, -inf.
  noinline fun str(x:double):string =>
    if isnan x then "nan"
    elif isinf x then
      if x > 0.0 then "+inf" else "-inf" endif
    else xstr x

instance Str[ldouble] {
  fun xstr: ldouble -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<#1>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  //$ Default format long double, also supports nan, +inf, -inf.
  noinline fun str(x:ldouble):string =>
    if isnan x then "nan"
    elif isinf x then
      if x > 0.0l then "+inf" else "-inf" endif
    else xstr x

Conversion operators.

open class Tiny
  ctor tiny: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] tiny: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Short
  ctor short: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] short: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Int
  ctor int: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] int: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";
  ctor int : int = "($1)/*int.flx: ctor int IDENT*/";
  // special hack
  ctor int(x:bool)=> match x with | true => 1 | false => 0 endmatch;

open class Long
  ctor long: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] long: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Vlong
  ctor vlong: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] vlong: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Utiny
  ctor utiny: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] utiny: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Ushort
  ctor ushort: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] ushort: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Uint
  ctor uint: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] uint: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Ulong
  ctor ulong: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] ulong: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Uvlong
  ctor uvlong: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] uvlong: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Int8
  ctor int8: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] int8: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Int16
  ctor int16: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] int16: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Int32
  ctor int32: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] int32: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Int64
  ctor int64: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] int64: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Uint8
  ctor uint8: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] uint8: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Uint16
  ctor uint16: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] uint16: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Uint32
  ctor uint32: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] uint32: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Uint64
  ctor uint64: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] uint64: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Size
  ctor size: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] size: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor size from #0*/";
  ctor size: size = "($1)/*int.flx: ctor size IDENT*/";

  // special overrides so s.len - 1 works
  fun - : size * int -> size = "$1-$2";
  fun + : size * int -> size = "$1+$2";

open class Ptrdiff
  ctor ptrdiff: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] ptrdiff: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Intptr
  ctor intptr: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] intptr: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Uintptr
  ctor uintptr: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] uintptr: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Intmax
  ctor intmax: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] intmax: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

open class Uintmax
  ctor uintmax: string = "static_cast<#0>(::std::atoi($1.c_str()))" requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  ctor[T in reals] uintmax: T = "static_cast<#0>($1)/*int.flx: ctor*/";

Convert to decimal string.

instance Str[tiny] {
  fun str: tiny -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

instance Str[utiny] {
  fun str: utiny -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<unsigned int>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

  T in
    short \cup ushort \cup int \cup uint \cup long \cup ulong \cup vlong \cup uvlong \cup
    exact_ints \cup weird_sints \cup weird_uints
  fun str: T -> string = "::flx::rtl::strutil::str<#1>($1)" requires package "flx_strutil";

Convert to lexical string.

instance Repr[tiny]   { fun repr[with Str[tiny]]   (t:tiny)   : string => (str t) + "t";  }
instance Repr[short]  { fun repr[with Str[short]]  (t:short)  : string => (str t) + "s";  }
instance Repr[int]   { fun repr[with Str[int]]   (t:int)   : string => (str t) + "";  }
instance Repr[long]   { fun repr[with Str[long]]   (t:long)   : string => (str t) + "l";  }
instance Repr[vlong]  { fun repr[with Str[vlong]]  (t:vlong)  : string => (str t) + "v";  }
instance Repr[int8]  { fun repr[with Str[int8]]  (t:int8)  : string => (str t) + "i8";  }
instance Repr[int16]  { fun repr[with Str[int16]]  (t:int16)  : string => (str t) + "i16";  }
instance Repr[int32]  { fun repr[with Str[int32]]  (t:int32)  : string => (str t) + "i32";  }
instance Repr[int64]  { fun repr[with Str[int64]]  (t:int64)  : string => (str t) + "i64";  }
instance Repr[intmax]  { fun repr[with Str[intmax]]  (t:intmax)  : string => (str t) + "j";  }
instance Repr[intptr]  { fun repr[with Str[intptr]]  (t:intptr)  : string => (str t) + "p";  }
instance Repr[ptrdiff]  { fun repr[with Str[ptrdiff]]  (t:ptrdiff)  : string => (str t) + "d";  }

instance Repr[utiny]  { fun repr[with Str[utiny]]  (t:utiny)  : string => (str t) + "ut"; }
instance Repr[ushort] { fun repr[with Str[ushort]] (t:ushort) : string => (str t) + "us"; }
instance Repr[uint]   { fun repr[with Str[uint]]   (t:uint)   : string => (str t) + "u";  }
instance Repr[ulong]  { fun repr[with Str[ulong]]  (t:ulong)  : string => (str t) + "ul"; }
instance Repr[uvlong] { fun repr[with Str[uvlong]] (t:uvlong) : string => (str t) + "uv"; }
instance Repr[uint8]  { fun repr[with Str[uint8]]  (t:uint8)  : string => (str t) + "u8";  }
instance Repr[uint16]  { fun repr[with Str[uint16]]  (t:uint16)  : string => (str t) + "u16";  }
instance Repr[uint32]  { fun repr[with Str[uint32]]  (t:uint32)  : string => (str t) + "u32";  }
instance Repr[uint64]  { fun repr[with Str[uint64]]  (t:uint64)  : string => (str t) + "u64";  }
instance Repr[size]  { fun repr[with Str[size]]  (t:size)  : string => (str t) + "uz";  }
instance Repr[uintmax]  { fun repr[with Str[uintmax]]  (t:uintmax)  : string => (str t) + "uj";  }
instance Repr[uintptr]  { fun repr[with Str[uintptr]]  (t:uintptr)  : string => (str t) + "up";  }

Methods of integers

instance[t in ints] Addgrp[t] {}
instance[t in ints] Ring[t] {}
instance[t in ints] MultSemi1[t] {}
instance[t in ints] Dring[t] {}

instance [t in uints] Bits [t] {
  fun \^ : t * t -> t = "(?1)($1^$2)";
  fun \| : t * t -> t = "(?1)($1|$2)";
  fun \& : t * t -> t = "(?1)($1&$2)";

  // note: the cast is essential to ensure ~1tu is 254tu
  fun ~ : t -> t = "(?1)~$1";
  proc ^= : &t * t = "*$1^=$2;";
  proc |= : &t * t = "*$1|=$2;";
  proc &= : &t * t = "*$1&=$2;";

instance[t in ints] ForwardSequence[t] {
  fun succ: t -> t = "$1+1";
  proc pre_incr: &t = "++*$1;";
  proc post_incr: &t = "(*$1)++;";

instance[t in ints] BidirectionalSequence[t] {
  fun pred: t -> t = "$1-1";
  proc pre_decr: &t = "--*$1;";
  proc post_decr: &t = "(*$1)--;";
instance[t in ints] RandomSequence[t] {
  fun advance: int * t -> t = "$1+$2";
instance[t in ints] UpperBoundTotalOrder[t] {
  fun maxval: 1 -> t = "::std::numeric_limits<?1>::max()";
instance[t in ints] LowerBoundTotalOrder[t] {
  fun minval: 1 -> t = "::std::numeric_limits<?1>::min()";

instance[t in ints] Integer[t] {
  fun << : t * t -> t = "$1<<$2";
  fun >> : t * t -> t = "$1>>$2";

Methods of signed integers

instance[t in sints] Signed_integer[t] {
  fun sgn: t -> int = "$1<0??-1:$1>0??1:0";
  fun abs: t -> t = "$1<0??-$1:$1";

Methods of unsigned integers

instance[t in uints] Unsigned_integer[t] {}

Make functions accessible without qualification

//open[T in sints] Signed_integer[T];
open Signed_integer[tiny];
open Signed_integer[short];
open Signed_integer[int];
open Signed_integer[long];
open Signed_integer[vlong];
open Signed_integer[int8];
open Signed_integer[int16];
open Signed_integer[int32];
open Signed_integer[int64];
open Signed_integer[intmax];
open Signed_integer[ptrdiff];
open Signed_integer[intptr];

//open[T in uints] Unsigned_integer[T];
open Unsigned_integer[utiny];
open Unsigned_integer[ushort];
open Unsigned_integer[uint];
open Unsigned_integer[ulong];
open Unsigned_integer[uvlong];
open Unsigned_integer[uint8];
open Unsigned_integer[uint16];
open Unsigned_integer[uint32];
open Unsigned_integer[uint64];
open Unsigned_integer[uintmax];
open Unsigned_integer[size];
open Unsigned_integer[uintptr];



class Quaternion
  type quaternion = new double ^ 4;
  ctor quaternion (x:double^4) => _make_quaternion x;
  private typedef q = quaternion;
  fun r(x:q)=> (_repr_ x) . 0;
  fun i(x:q)=> (_repr_ x) . 1;
  fun j(x:q)=> (_repr_ x) . 2;
  fun k(x:q)=> (_repr_ x) . 3;

  ctor q (x:double) => quaternion (x,0.0,0.0,0.0);

  fun + (a:q,b:q):q =>
    quaternion (a.r+ b.r, a.i + b.i, a.j + b.j, a.k+b.k)

  fun * (a:q, b:q):q =>
    quaternion (
      a.r * b.r - a.i * b.i - a.j * b.j - a.k * b.k,
      a.r * b.i + a.i * b.r + a.j * b.k - a.k * b.j,
      a.r * b.j - a.i * b.k + a.j * b.r - a.k * b.i,
      a.r * b.k + a.i * b.j - a.j * b.i + a.k * b.r

  fun conj (a:q):q => quaternion (a.r, -a.i, -a.j, -a.k);
  fun norm (a:q):double => sqrt (a.r * a.r + a.i * a.i + a.j * a.j +a.k * a.k);

  fun * (a:q, b: double):q => quaternion (a.r * b, a.i * b, a.j * b, a.k * b);
  fun * (a: double, b:q):q => a * b;

  fun reciprocal (a:q):q => let n = norm a in conj a * (1.0/ (n * n));

  // add more later, generalise scalar type
  // Later, GET RID of complex and quaternions
  // by introducing typeclasses for arbitrary R-modules

Random number generation


class Random {
    private type random_device = "::std::random_device*"
        requires Cxx11_headers::random;
    private type random_engine = "::std::default_random_engine*"
        requires Cxx11_headers::random;
    private ctor random_device: 1 = "new ::std::random_device{}";
    private ctor random_engine: random_device =
        "new ::std::default_random_engine{(*$1)()}";
    private gen generate_canonical: random_engine -> double =
        "::std::generate_canonical<double, ::std::numeric_limits<float>::digits>(*$1)"
        requires Cxx_headers::limits;

    private struct random_ctl {
        rd: random_device;
        e: random_engine;
    type random = new random_ctl;
    ctor random() => let rd = #random_device in
                     _make_random$ random_ctl (rd, rd.random_engine);

    private gen range[I in ints]: random_engine * I * I -> I =
        "::std::uniform_int_distribution<decltype($2)>{$2, $3-1}(*$1)";
    gen range[I in ints](r: random)(start: I, stop: I) =>
        range (r._repr_.e, start, stop);
    gen range[I in ints](r: random)(stop: I): I =>
         r.range (C_hack::cast[I] 0, stop);

    gen randint[I in ints with FloatAddgrp[I]](r: random)(start: I, stop: I) =>
        r.range (start, stop+C_hack::cast[I] 1);

    gen choice[T,S with ArrayValue[S,T]](r: random)(seq: S): T =>
        unsafe_get (seq, r.range seq.len);

    gen randflt(r: random) => r._repr_.e.generate_canonical;

    proc shuffle[T,S with ArrayObject[S,T]](r: random)(seq: S) {
        for var i in 0zu upto seq.len - 2 do
            j := r.randint (0zu, i);
            ei := unsafe_get (seq, i);
            ej := unsafe_get (seq, j);
            unsafe_set (seq, i, ej);
            unsafe_set (seq, j, ei);