Package: src/packages/pointers.fdoc

Pointers and low level address manipulation.

key file
carray.flx share/lib/std/c/carray.flx
cptr.flx share/lib/std/c/cptr.flx
shared_ptr.flx share/lib/std/c/shared_ptr.flx
key file
sort.flx share/lib/std/datatype/sort.flx
posix_mmap.flx share/lib/std/posix/mmap.flx
carray_test.flx test/regress/rt/carray_test.flx
carray_test.expect test/regress/rt/carray_test.expect

C pointer


// move to separate file later.
open class AbstractPointers
  typedef fun rptr (T:TYPE) : TYPE =>  (get: 1 -> T);
  typedef fun wptr (T:TYPE) : TYPE =>  (set : T -> 0);
  typedef fun rwptr (T:TYPE) : TYPE => (get: 1 -> T, set : T -> 0);

  fun mkr[T] (p:&<T) => (get= { *p });
  fun mkw[T] (p:&>T) => (set = proc (v:T) { p<-v; });
  fun mkrw[T] (p:&T) => mkr p + mkw p;

  fun deref[T] (p: rptr T) => p.get ();
  proc storeat[T] (p: wptr T, v: T) { p.set v; }

open class MachinePointers
  // ordinary pointers
  proc storeat[T] ( p: &>T, v: T) = { _storeat (p,v); }

  //$ Dereference a Felx pointer.
  //lvalue fun deref[T]: &T -> T = "*$1";
  fun _deref[T]: &<T -> T = "*$t";
  fun deref[T] (p:&<T) => _deref p;

open class CompactLinearPointers
  // concrete compact linear type pointers
  proc storeat[D,C] ( p:_wpclt< D, C >, v: C) = { _storeat (p,v); }

  // deref a pointer to compact linear component
  fun _deref[mach,clv]: _rpclt<mach,clv> -> clv = "::flx::rtl::clt_deref($t)";
  fun deref[mach,clv] (p: _rpclt<mach,clv>) => _deref p;

//$ Felix and C pointers.
//$ Felix pointer ptr[T] = &T.
//$ C pointer cptr[T] = &T.
//$ See also carray for incrementable pointers carray[T] = +T.
open class Cptr
  //$ Type of a Felix pointer.
  //$ Always points to an object.
  //$ Cannot be NULL.
  //$ Cannot be incremented.
  typedef ptr[T] = &T;

  //$ Type of a C pointer.
  //$ Either pointes to an object or is NULL.
  //$ Cannot be incremented.
  variant cptr[T] = | nullptr | Ptr of &T;

  //$ Demote a Felix pointer to a C pointer. Safe.
  ctor[T] cptr[T]: &T = "$t";

  //$ Promote a C pointer to a Felix pointer.
  //$ Conversion is checked.
  //$ Aborts with match failure if NULL.
  ctor[T] ptr[T](px:cptr[T]) =>
    let Ptr p = px in p
   ; // match failure if null

  //$ Checked dereference of C pointer.
  fun deref[T] (px:cptr[T])=> *(px.ptr);

  //$ Test if a C pointer is NULL.
  fun is_nullptr[T] (px:cptr[T])=> match px with | #nullptr => true | _ => false endmatch;

  instance[T] Eq[cptr[T]] {
    //$ Equality of C pointers.
    fun == : cptr[T] * cptr[T] -> bool = "$1==$2";
  instance[T] Tord[cptr[T]] {
    //$ Total ordering of C pointer.
    //$ NULL is the least element.
    fun < : cptr[T] * cptr[T] -> bool = "$1<$2";

  //$ Allocate unmanaged C++ object on the heap and return pointer.
  //$ Felix does not check the argument type, but C++ does.
  //$ The argument must select a suitable C++ constructor.
  gen cnew[T,A] : A -> &T = "new (?1)($a)";

  //$ Delete unmanaged C++ object from heap
  proc delete[T] : &T = "delete $1;";

  //$ Allocate managed C++ object directly on heap.
  //$ Felix does not check the argument type, but C++ does.
  //$ The argument must select a suitable constructor.
  gen gcnew[T,A] : A -> &T = "new (*PTF gcp, @?1,true) (?1)($a)";


open[T] Eq[cptr[T]];
open[T] Tord[cptr[T]];

//$ Special notation @T for  type of a C pointer.
typedef fun n"@" (T:TYPE) : TYPE => cptr[T];

C Arrays

A carray[T], with more suggestive shorthand notation +T, is an incrementable, non-NULL pointer to a contiguous store.


// For some reason this functor must be in global scope
//$ Define prefix + notation.
typedef fun prefix_plus(T:TYPE) : TYPE => Carray::carray[T];

//$ A carray[T] = +T is an incrementable, non-NULL, pointer.
open class Carray
  requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib;
  open C_hack;

  //$ The carray type.
  type carray[T] = new &T;


These allocators use raw malloc/ calloc/ free and therefore provide store of which the garbage collector is unaware. It is best to reserve such carrays for C datatypes.


  //$ Allocate a C array on the C heap (malloc).
  //$ Unsafe: Not tracked by GC.
  fun array_alloc[T]: !ints -> carray[T] = '(?1*)::std::malloc(sizeof(?1)*$1)';

  //$ Allocate a C array on the C heap with 0 fill (cmalloc).
  //$ Unsafe: Not tracked by GC.
  fun array_calloc[T]: !ints -> carray[T] = '(?1*)::std::calloc(sizeof(?1),$1)';

  //$ Free a C array (free).
  //$ Must point to C heap allocated storage. Unsafe.
  proc free[T]: carray[T] = "::std::free($1);";



  //$ Functional get by index.
  fun get[T]: carray[T] * !ints -> T = '$1[$2]';

  //$ Store value in array at index position.
  proc set[T] : carray[T] * !ints * T = "$1[$2]=$3;";

  //$ Get by index using application.
  //$ i x = x . i = get (x,i)
  fun apply [T,I in ints] (i:I, x:carray[T]) => get (x,i);

Lvalue dereferences

Note that lvalue operators are for convenience of those familiar with C notation. Felix does not support the notion of lvalues in general: this is a very special case.

  //$ Lvalue reference to element by index position. Unsafe.
  //lvalue fun subscript[T]: carray[T] * !ints -> T = '$1[$2]';
  fun subscript[T]: carray[T] * !ints -> T = '$1[$2]';

  //$ Lvalue reference to element by pointer.
  //lvalue fun deref[T]: carray[T] -> T = '*$1';
  fun deref[T]: carray[T] -> T = '*$1';

Pointer operators

  //$ Advance carray to next element.
  fun + [T]: carray[T] * !ints -> carray[T]= '$1+$2';

  //$ Backup carray to previous element.
  fun - [T]: carray[T] * !ints -> carray[T] = '$1-$2';

  //$ Calculate the offset in elements between
  //$ two overlapping carrays.
  fun - [T]: carray[T] * carray[T]-> ptrdiff = '$1-$2';



  //$ Mutable pre-increment ++p.
  proc pre_incr[T]: &carray[T] = '++*$1;';

  //$ Mutable post-increment p++.
  proc post_incr[T]: &carray[T] = '(*$1)++;';

  //$ Mutable pre-decarement --p.
  proc pre_decr[T]: &carray[T] = '--*$1;';

  //$ Mutable post-decarement p--.
  proc post_decr[T]: &carray[T] = '(*$1)--;';

  //$ Mutable advance by offset amount.
  proc += [T]: &carray[T] * !ints = '*$1+=$2;';

  //$ Mutable backup by offset amount.
  proc -= [T]: &carray[T] * !ints = '*$1-=$2;';



  //$ Pointer equality.
  instance[T] Eq[carray[T]] {
    fun == : carray[T] * carray[T] -> bool = '$1==$2';
    fun != : carray[T] * carray[T] -> bool = '$1!=$2';

  //$ Pointer total ordering.
  instance[T] Tord[carray[T]] {
    fun < : carray[T] * carray[T] -> bool = '$1<$2';
    fun <= : carray[T] * carray[T] -> bool = '$1<=$2';
    fun > : carray[T] * carray[T] -> bool = '$1>$2';
    fun >= : carray[T] * carray[T] -> bool = '$1>=$2';


  //$ Get carray of an array.
  fun stl_begin[T,N]: carray[array[T,N]] -> carray[T] = "(?1*)&($1->data)";

  //$ Unsafe conversion of Felix pointer to carray.
  fun prefix_plus [T]:&T -> carray[T] = "$t"; // unsafe

  //$ Demote carray to Felix pointer (safe unless off the end).
  fun neg [T]: carray[T] -> &T = "$t"; // safe (unless we allow +T to be NULL later ..)

  //$ Unsafe conversion of Felix pointer to carray.
  ctor[T] carray[T] : &T = "$t";

  //$ Get a carray from a Felix array object.
  ctor[T,N] carray[T]: &array[T,N] = "($1)->data";

  //$ Convert C array to Felix array.
  fun array_of[T,N]: carray[T] -> &array[T,N] = "*(#0*)(void*)$1";

open[T] Eq[carray[T]];
open[T] Tord[carray[T]];
// carray test

var a : +int = array_alloc[int] 10;
for var i in 0 upto 9 do
  set(a, i, i * i);
for i in 0 upto 9 do
  println$  a.[i], *(a+i), a.i;
free a;
(1, 1, 1)
(2, 2, 2)
(5, 5, 5)
(10, 10, 10)
(17, 17, 17)
(26, 26, 26)
(37, 37, 37)
(50, 50, 50)
(65, 65, 65)
(82, 82, 82)

Array sort

Sort an array using STL sort.


//$ Utility class to leverage STL sort.
class Sort
  //$ STL compliant comparator object built from
  //$ a closure of a Felix function.
  private header stl_comparator_def =
  template<class CT, class FT2, class FFT>
  struct comparator {
    FFT cmp;
    comparator() : cmp(0) {}
    comparator(FFT cmp_a) : cmp(cmp_a) {}
    bool operator ()(CT x, CT y){
      ::std::pair<CT,CT> z(x,y);
      return cmp->apply(*(FT2*)(void*)&z);
  """ requires Cxx_headers::utility;

  private type _comparator[CT,FT2,FFT] = "comparator<?1,?2,?3>" requires stl_comparator_def;
  type stl_comparator[T] = new _comparator[T,T*T,T*T->bool];

  private fun _make_comparator[CT,FT2,FFT]: FFT -> stl_comparator[CT] =

  //$ Make a C++ STL comparator object from a Felix comparison function.
  ctor[T] stl_comparator[T] (cmp:T * T -> bool) =>
    _make_comparator[T, T*T, T*T->bool] (cmp)

  //$ Invoke stl sort with C++ comparator.
  proc stl_sort[T]: stl_comparator[T] * +T * +T = "::std::sort($2, $3, $1);"
    requires Cxx_headers::algorithm;

  //$ Invoke stl sort with Felix comparison function.
  inline proc stl_sort[T] (cmp: T * T -> bool, b: +T,  e:+T) =>
    stl_sort (stl_comparator cmp, b, e)

  //$ Invoke stl sort default comparison function.
  inline proc stl_sort[T with Tord[T]] (b:+T, e:+T) => stl_sort ( (< of (T * T)), b, e);


Reference counting pointer.

open class SharedPtr
   type shared_ptr[T]
     = "::std::shared_ptr<?1>"
     requires Cxx_headers::memory

   ctor[T] shared_ptr[T] : 1 = "::std::shared_ptr<?1>()"; // nullptr
   ctor[T] shared_ptr[T] : &T = "::std::shared_ptr<?1>($1)";

   proc reset[T] : &shared_ptr[T] = "$1->reset();";
   proc swap[T] : &shared_ptr[T] * &shared_ptr[T] = "$1->swap(*$2);";
   fun get[T] : shared_ptr[T] -> &T = "$1.get()";
   fun deref[T] : shared_ptr[T] -> T = "*$1";
   fun use_count[T] : shared_ptr[T] -> long = "$1.use_count()";
   fun unique[T] : shared_ptr[T] -> bool = "$1.unique";
   fun is_null[T] : shared_ptr[T] -> bool = "(bool)$1";


Address mapping facility. Note: this is the posix function mmap(). Windows has a similar capability we have not modelled yet.


class Mmap
  requires package "mmap";
  header """
    // MAP_ANON is an older form of MAP_ANONYMOUS, and should be compatible
    #if !defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_ANON)

  // Offset into file, should be defined elsewhere
  typedef off_t = ulong;

  type mmap_prot = "int";
  instance Eq[mmap_prot]{
     fun == : mmap_prot * mmap_prot -> bool = "$1==$2";
  instance Bits[mmap_prot]{}

  inherit Eq[mmap_prot];
  inherit Bits[mmap_prot];

  type mmap_flags = "int";
  instance Eq[mmap_flags]{
     fun == : mmap_flags * mmap_flags -> bool = "$1==$2";
  instance Bits[mmap_flags]{}

  inherit Eq[mmap_flags];
  inherit Bits[mmap_flags];

  // protection options
  const PROT_NONE  : mmap_prot;  // Posix: inaccessible
  const PROT_EXEC  : mmap_prot;  // Posix: allow exec
  const PROT_READ  : mmap_prot;  // Posix: allow read (and perhaps exec)
  const PROT_WRITE : mmap_prot;  // Posix: allow write (and perhaps write and exec)

  // Linux only
  const MAP_DENYWRITE: mmap_flags; // Linux only

  // flags: mode
  const MAP_FILE: mmap_flags;      // Posix: Default mode: map a file
  const MAP_ANONYMOUS: mmap_flags; // Linux, OSX: Map from VM pool

  // flags: map address
  const MAP_FIXED: mmap_flags;     // Posix: Client tries to fix the mapping address,
                            // must set address argument non-NULL
                            // Implementation dependent
                            // Default: system chooses address is not specified
                            // must set address NULL

  // flags: sharing
  const MAP_SHARED : mmap_flags;   // Posix: write changes to backing store on msync
  const MAP_PRIVATE : mmap_flags;  // Posix: don't write changes ever

  // System dependent:
  const MAP_HASSEMAPHORE: mmap_flags;
  const MAP_NORESERVE: mmap_flags;
  const MAP_LOCKED: mmap_flags;
  const MAP_GROWSDOWN: mmap_flags;
  const MAP_32BIT: mmap_flags;
  const MAP_POPULATE: mmap_flags;
  const MAP_NONBLOCK: mmap_flags;

  // return value of mmap
  const MAP_FAILED : address;

  // size of a page
  const _SC_PAGESIZE : long = "sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)";

  // establish a mapping
  fun mmap:
    address * //< start address
    size *    //< bytes to map
    mmap_prot *     //< protection
    mmap_flags *     //< flags
    int *     //< file descriptor
    off_t     //< offset into file, multiple of _SC_PAGESIZE
    -> address; //< start of reserved address space

  // unmap a region
  fun munmap: address * size -> int;

  // save region to backing store (MAP_SHARED only)
  fun msync: address * size * int -> int;