Package: src/packages/ucstring.fdoc

Unique Strings

Traditional C Strings

key file
cstring.flx share/lib/std/strings/cstring.flx

Primitive operations on C strings, distinct from corresponding byte operations in that they depend on or involve the null terminator.

// Primitives
class CString
  //$ C strcpy.
  proc strcpy: +char * +char = "(void)::std::strcpy($1,$2);"
    requires Cxx_headers::cstring

  //$ C strncpy.
  proc strncpy: +char * +char * !ints = "(void)::std::strncpy($1,$2,$3);"
    requires Cxx_headers::cstring

  //$ C strlen: NTBS length.
  fun strlen: +char -> size = "::std::strlen($1)"
    requires Cxx_headers::cstring

  fun len (s:+char) => strlen s;

  //$ Traditional NTBS strdup.
  gen strdup: +char -> +char = "::flx::rtl::strutil::flx_strdup($1)"
    requires package "flx_strutil"


Unique C Strings

key file
ucstr.flx share/lib/std/strings/ucstr.flx
ucstr_prim_01.flx src/test/regress/rt/ucstr_prim_01.flx
ucstr_prim_01.expect src/test/regress/rt/ucstr_prim_01.expect

A safer way to handle NTBS, using uniq typing to transfer owenership. Doesn’t require GC.


ctor : string -> ucstr ctor : +char -> ucstr (unsafe) proc delete : ucstr fun len : ucstr -> size fun set : ucstr * int * char -> ucstr fun reserve : ucstr * size -> ucstr fun append : ucstr * ucstr -> ucstr fun append : ucstr * &ucstr -> ucstr doesn’t consume second arg fun + : ucstr * ucstr -> ucstr fun + : ucstr * &ucstr -> ucstr doesn’t consume second arg proc += : &ucstr * &ucstr -> ucstr modifies first arg, doesn’t consume second fun erase : ucstr * slice[int] -> ucstr fun insert : ucstr * int * ucstr -> ucstr inserts second arg into first at pos fun dup : ucstr -> ucstr * ucstr destructive dup fun dup : &ucstr -> ucstr * ucstr nondestructive dup

This one is private:

fun strmov : ucstr * int * int -> ucstr

strmov u (f,l) returns a the original string with the tail starting at position l moved left to position f. Right moves will fail, possibly causing corruption, so we require f <= l. f and l are clipped up to zero if negative and down to the string length if they exceed it.

open class UniqueCStrings
  open CString;
  open Memory;

  private var debug = Env::issetenv "FLX_TRACE_UCSTR";

  // abstract representation
  private type _ucstr = new +char;

  // make it uniq
  typedef ucstr = uniq _ucstr;

  // privatise access to representation
  private fun unpack (var p: ucstr) : +char => p.unbox._repr_;
  private fun pack (p: +char) =>;

  // Constructors
  ctor ucstr (var s:string) = {
     var p =  s._unsafe_cstr; // malloc'd copy of string contents
     if debug perform
       println$ "Creating " + p.repr + " @" + p.address.repr;
     return pack p;

  ctor ucstr (s:+char) => s.strdup.pack;

  // duplicate value, destructive
  fun dup (var s:ucstr) : ucstr * ucstr = {
    var p = unpack s;
    var q = strdup p;
    if debug perform
      println$ "Creating " + q.repr + " @" + q.address.repr;
    return p.pack,q.pack;

  // duplicate variable, non destructive
  fun dup (s:&<ucstr) : ucstr = {
    var p = s.peek._repr_.strdup;
    if debug perform
      println$ "Creating " + p.repr + " @" + p.address.repr;
    return p.pack;

  // deletes the store
  proc delete (var p:ucstr) {
    var q = unpack p;
    if debug perform
      println$ "Deleting " + q.address.repr;
    free q;

  inherit Str[_ucstr];
  inherit Repr[_ucstr];
  instance Str[_ucstr] { fun str(p:_ucstr)=>p._repr_.str; }
  instance Repr[_ucstr] { fun repr(p:_ucstr)=>p._repr_.repr; }

  // length
  fun len(var s:&<ucstr) : size => s.peek._repr_.strlen;

  // modify one char
  fun set (var s:ucstr, i:int, c:char) : ucstr =  {
    var cs = unpack s;
    Carray::set (cs, i, c);
    return cs.pack;

  private gen realloc : +char * !ints -> +char =
    requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib

  // reserve storage
  fun reserve (var s:ucstr, n:size) : ucstr =>
    pack (realloc (unpack s,n))

  // append: consumes y
  fun append (var x:ucstr, var y:ucstr): ucstr = {
    var cx = unpack x;
    var cy = unpack y;
    var lx = cx.len;
    var ly = cy.len;
    var r = realloc (cx, lx+ly+1);
    strncpy (r+lx,cy,ly+1);
    if debug do
      println$ "Realloc @" + cx.address.repr + " -> " + r.address.repr;
      println$ "Free @" + cy.address.repr;
    free cy;
    return pack r;

  // append: doesnt consume y
  noinline fun append (var x:ucstr, var py:&ucstr): ucstr = {
    var cx = unpack x;
    var cy = py.peek._repr_;
    var lx = cx.len;
    var ly = cy.len;
    var r = realloc (cx, lx+ly+1);
    if debug perform
      println$ "Realloc @" + cx.address.repr + " -> " + r.address.repr;
    strncpy (r+lx,cy,ly+1);
    return pack r;

  // nicer appends
  fun + (var x:ucstr, var y:ucstr) => append (x,y);
  fun + (var x:ucstr, var py:&ucstr) => append (x,py);

  proc += (var lhs: &ucstr, var rhs: ucstr) =>
    lhs <- append (*lhs,rhs)
  proc += (var lhs: &ucstr, var rhs: &ucstr) =>
    lhs <- append (*lhs,rhs)

  private fun strmov (var x:ucstr, var f:int, var l:int) : ucstr = {
    var p = x.unpack;
    var n =;
    if f < 0 perform f = 0;
    if f > n perform f = n;
    if l < 0 perform l = f;
    if l > n perform l = n;
    if f != l perform strcpy (p+f, p+l);
    return pack p;

  fun erase (var x:ucstr, sl:slice[int]) : ucstr =>
    match sl with
    | Slice_all => set (x,0,char "")
    | Slice_from idx => set (x,idx, char "")
    | Slice_from_counted (first,len) => strmov (x (first,first+len)
    | Slice_to_incl incl => strmov (x,0,incl)
    | Slice_to_excl excl => strmov (x,0, excl - 1)
    | Slice_range_incl (first, last) => strmov, x (first, last+1)
    | Slice_range_excl (first, last) => strmo, x (first, last)
    | Slice_one pos => strmov (x, pos, pos+1)

  fun insert (var x:ucstr, var pos: int, var y:ucstr) : ucstr =
    var px = unpack x;
    var py = unpack y;
    var n =;
    var m =;
    if pos < 0 perform pos = pos + n;
    if pos > n perform pos = n;
    if pos < 0 perform pos = 0;
    px = realloc (px, m + n + 1);
    memmove (px.address + pos, px.address + pos + m, m);
    free py;
    return pack px;

  fun search (var s: &<ucstr, var pat: &<ucstr) : size =
    var p = s*.unpack;
    var q = pat*.unpack;
    var n = strlen p;
    var m = strlen q;
    var pr = Memory::search (p.address,(p+n).address,q.address,(q+m).address);
    val r = (pr - p.address).size;
    return r;



proc test() {
  var s = ucstr "hello";
  println$ &s;
  s = set (s, 0, char "e");
  println$ &s;
  delete s;

Unique Counted Strings

key file
ustr.flx share/lib/std/strings/ustr.flx
ustr_prim_01.flx src/test/regress/rt/ustr_prim_01.flx
ustr_prim_01.expect src/test/regress/rt/ustr_prim_01.flx

A safer way to handle counted strings using uniq typing to transfer owenership. Doesn’t require GC.


ctor : string -> ustr ctor : +char -> ustr (unsafe) proc delete : ustr fun len : ustr -> size fun set : ustr * int * char -> ustr fun reserve : ustr * size -> ustr fun append : ustr * ustr -> ustr fun append : ustr * &ustr -> ustr doesn’t consume second arg fun + : ustr * ustr -> ustr fun + : ustr * &ustr -> ustr doesn’t consume second arg proc += : &ustr * &ustr -> ustr modifies first arg, doesn’t consume second fun erase : ustr * slice[int] -> ustr fun insert : ustr * int * ustr -> ustr inserts second arg into first at pos fun dup : ustr -> ustr * ustr destructive dup fun dup : &ustr -> ustr * ustr nondestructive dup

This one is private:

fun strmov : ustr -> int * int -> ustr

strmov u (f,l) returns a the original string with the tail starting at position l moved left to position f. Right moves will fail, possibly causing corruption, so we require f <= l. f and l are clipped up to zero if negative and down to the string length if they exceed it.

open class UniqueCountedStrings
  open CString;
  open Memory;

  private var debug = Env::issetenv "FLX_TRACE_UCSTR";

  // abstract representation
  private type _ustr = new +char;

  // make it uniq
  typedef ustr = uniq _ustr;

  // privatise access to representation
  private fun unpack (var p: ustr) : +char => p.unbox._repr_;
  private fun pack (p: +char) =>;

  // Constructors
  ctor ustr (var s:string) = {
     var p =  s._unsafe_cstr; // malloc'd copy of string contents
     if debug perform
       println$ "Creating " + p.repr + " @" + p.address.repr;
     return pack p;

  ctor ustr (s:+char) => s.strdup.pack;

  // duplicate value, destructive
  fun dup (var s:ustr) : ustr * ustr = {
    var p = unpack s;
    var q = strdup p;
    if debug perform
      println$ "Creating " + q.repr + " @" + q.address.repr;
    return p.pack,q.pack;

  // duplicate variable, non destructive
  fun dup (s:&<ustr) : ustr = {
    var p = s.peek._repr_.strdup;
    if debug perform
      println$ "Creating " + p.repr + " @" + p.address.repr;
    return p.pack;

  // deletes the store
  proc delete (var p:ustr) {
    var q = unpack p;
    if debug perform
      println$ "Deleting " + q.address.repr;
    free q;

  inherit Str[_ustr];
  inherit Repr[_ustr];
  instance Str[_ustr] { fun str(p:_ustr)=>p._repr_.str; }
  instance Repr[_ustr] { fun repr(p:_ustr)=>p._repr_.repr; }

  // length
  fun len(var s:&<ustr) : size => s.peek._repr_.strlen;

  // modify one char
  fun set (var s:ustr, i:int, c:char) : ustr =  {
    var cs = unpack s;
    Carray::set (cs, i, c);
    return cs.pack;

  private gen realloc : +char * !ints -> +char =
    requires Cxx_headers::cstdlib

  // reserve storage
  fun reserve (var s:ustr, n:size) : ustr =>
    pack (realloc (unpack s,n))

  // append: consumes y
  fun append (var x:ustr, var y:ustr): ustr = {
    var cx = unpack x;
    var cy = unpack y;
    var lx = cx.len;
    var ly = cy.len;
    var r = realloc (cx, lx+ly+1);
    strncpy (r+lx,cy,ly+1);
    if debug do
      println$ "Realloc @" + cx.address.repr + " -> " + r.address.repr;
      println$ "Free @" + cy.address.repr;
    free cy;
    return pack r;

  // append: doesnt consume y
  noinline fun append (var x:ustr, var py:&ustr): ustr = {
    var cx = unpack x;
    var cy = py.peek._repr_;
    var lx = cx.len;
    var ly = cy.len;
    var r = realloc (cx, lx+ly+1);
    if debug perform
      println$ "Realloc @" + cx.address.repr + " -> " + r.address.repr;
    strncpy (r+lx,cy,ly+1);
    return pack r;

  // nicer appends
  fun + (var x:ustr, var y:ustr) => append (x,y);
  fun + (var x:ustr, var py:&ustr) => append (x,py);

  proc += (var lhs: &ustr, var rhs: ustr) =>
    lhs <- append (*lhs,rhs)
  proc += (var lhs: &ustr, var rhs: &ustr) =>
    lhs <- append (*lhs,rhs)

  private fun strmov (var x:ustr, var f:int, var l:int) : ustr = {
    var p = x.unpack;
    var n =;
    if f < 0 perform f = 0;
    if f > n perform f = n;
    if l < 0 perform l = f;
    if l > n perform l = n;
    if f != l perform strcpy (p+f, p+l);
    return pack p;
  fun erase (var x: ustr, sl:slice[int]) : ustr =>
    match sl with
    | Slice_all => set (x,0,char "")
    | Slice_from idx => set (x,idx, char "")
    | Slice_from_counted (first,len) => strmov (x,first,first+len)
    | Slice_to_incl incl => strmov (x, 0,incl)
    | Slice_to_excl excl => strmov (x, 0, excl - 1)
    | Slice_range_incl (first, last) => strmov (x, first, last+1)
    | Slice_range_excl (first, last) => strmov (x,first, last)
    | Slice_one pos => strmov (x, pos, pos+1)
  fun insert (var x:ustr, var pos: int, var y:ustr) : ustr =
    var px = unpack x;
    var py = unpack y;
    var n =;
    var m =;
    if pos < 0 perform pos = pos + n;
    if pos > n perform pos = n;
    if pos < 0 perform pos = 0;
    px = realloc (px, m + n + 1);
    memmove (px.address + pos, px.address + pos + m, m);
    free py;
    return pack px;

  fun search (var s: &<ustr, var pat: &<ustr) : size =
    var p = s*.unpack;
    var q = pat*.unpack;
    var n = strlen p;
    var m = strlen q;
    var pr = Memory::search (p.address,(p+n).address,q.address,(q+m).address);
    val r = (pr - p.address).size;
    return r;



proc test() {
  var s = ustr "hello";
  println$ &s;
  s = set (s, 0, char "e");
  println$ &s;
  delete s;